Saturday 4 May 2013

Cyclical Keto Diet - Carb Loading Weekend!

I thought today's blog should have a little more detail on my specific diet and how i'm eating through this cyclical keto diet (CKD).

Here's a table with an example of how i'm eating during the week.

I've been using to track my calories, protein, fat, and carb intake. My own personal figures for the diet, due to my weight and lean body mass, are to hit around 180g Fat, 160-180g Protein, and 0-30g Carbs per day (which i stated in my last blog, i have altered the numbers slightly). The total calorie intake should be around 2100-2300, some days i've been on the upper end, others, lower.

You can see by looking at the chart above that there's not much i can't eat in terms of meats, just as long as i'm within my macro-nutrient profile. I allow for the figures to be higher or lower here and there on the justification that myfitnesspal isn't perfect, but it allows me to have  a fairly good idea of what i am eating.

So far, over the past week, i have felt relatively good, despite being on a lower calorie intake, only problem i've had is that by the end of a late shift at work (which finishes at 2230), i've been a little more drained than usual.
My workouts haven't suffered too badly either, yesterday and thursday were the second run-throughs of the Upper/Lower split from "12 Week Body Plan" Microcycle 1. I managed to keep the weight the same, if not more on some exercises, but i was pushing it and trying to keep as focused as possible...a little difficult when it's hard enough to concentrate as it is!

I'm looking possibly start using a preworkout supplement to aid in my focus during the workouts, especially as i progress through the weeks ahead. The one i have been using is currently out of stock...i've found it to really help my workouts in the past, especially when i've not been feeling up for it.

On a side note, i asked the creator of the preworkout if it would be suitable to use during CKD, and thank fuck he said it would be fine, as i can see that in a few weeks i may need the extra kick in the arse, especially on leg days!!

Moving on, Carb Loading, on CKD you are allowed a 24-48 hour carb load to help replenish glycogen stores in the muscle, this aids with the release of insulin, which is an important anabolic hormone, and will help me maintain muscle mass whilst on this carb restrictive diet.
It should also mean that on Mondays workout i should get an insane pump when i train.

Currently i am using a 36 hour loading phase, of which the first 24 hours i am eating medium-high GI foods, and in the following 12 hours i will focus on slower release, lower GI foods. The idea with this is to flood my body with insulin in the first hours after my last workout (friday), to then allow maximum replenishment and reloaded energy levels for next weeks workouts whilst in Ketosis.

If you are unsure of what i mean by GI Foods, google Glycemic Index and you can read what it's all about.

A list of what im eating over my carb load are as follows:

Oats, White Potato, Sweet Potato, Dates, Maltodextrin (liquid carb), and other mixed Vegetables. CKD can be done using a dirty carb loading phase using foods like pizza, ice cream etc, however, i don't normally eat these foods anyway, so to me this would be utterly pointless, but for anyone with a more "carefree" diet then the dirty carb load can be a wonderful break from the strict guidelines of CKD.

Any questions you have feel free to ask, i think i've covered most of the basic points here...

"Pushing yourself beyond what you ever thought capable is the only way to improve"


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